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This is a great place to show people about your passion on ballet & the best place for you to enjoy danceing.


This is a great place to show people about your passion on ballet & best place for you to enjoy dancing.

”Dream creates future."

Ballet blanc is a ballet dance and entertainment studio located in the heart of Hong Kong in Causeway Bay, providing students with high-quality lessons from the age of zero up to adults, with our wishes to introduce the beautiful world of ballet and dance. Through ballet, children and adults will develop both emotional and physical sensitivity to radiate from within. 

All of our programs are well thought out to meet the needs of all age groups. Annual ballet recitals and exciting events are held throughout the year to help students stay motivated. World famous dancers will visit occasionally for special lessons. Ballet techniques will beautifully train not only your mind but also the entire physique. We envision "Blanc" as a white canvas where children are able to paint dynamically in various colors through experience, while valuing the basic colour white with great importance. I am proud to offer new styles of education and creation through my way of communication.

Ballet blancは香港のバレエ教室です。Ballet blancの「ブラン(Blanc)」とはフランス語で「白(しろ)」を意味しています。白ではじまり、色々な色を経験して、また白にたどり着く。​美しい白の世界観を描いていきたいと思います。日本人講師のいる香港のバレエスタジオへどうぞ足をお運びくださいませ。

Ballet blanc是香港的芭蕾舞教室。「blanc」這個字在法文中代表白色。白色有開始的意思,象徵學生在種種經歷後染上不同的顏色,最終再次回到白色的原點,抽繪潔白純淨的世界。

- Kayo Ugaeri - 

Our History

2005年 上海外攤と名都城にプライベートスタジオ設立

2006年 上海麗佳文化公司設立

2007年  B.B Studio設立(上海 虹橋)

2011年 BALLET Angelクラススタート(香港)

2013年 B.B Studio第1回バレエ発表会

2015年 BALLET BLANC Entertainment Co.,Ltd設立

2015年 B.B Studio第2回バレエ発表会

2016年 BALLET BLANCスタジオ設立(銅鑼灣)

2017年 BALLET BLANC第3回バレエ発表会

2018年 BALLET BLANC新スタジオ設立(銅鑼灣)

2019年 BALLET BLANC Entertainment Co.,LtdからBALLET BLANC Limitedへ社名変更

2019年 BALLET BLANC第4回バレエ発表会

Kayo Ugaeri

Founder & Director

Kayo started ballet when she was six. She learnt ballet from a Tokyo professional ballet dancer, Tomoko Kurosawa and frequently participated in the ballet contest which was held by the Japan Ballet Association. Kayo got a remarkable result in the competition every year. She was the champion in the junior

In 1998,  she graduated from Central School of ballet in the United Kingdom. Then she began her life as a ballet tutor in Hong Kong. Kayo worked as a ballet teacher in Plasia Ballet School located in Tai Koo. At that time, she also started to learn Chinese dance on herself and even got the Grade 2 qualification in the Chinese Dance Graded Exams. In 2000, she was awarded the Asia Dance art special award and joined the Asia Tour as a ballet dancer. She performed in several countries like Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan. In 2004, she became the first Japanese student in Shanghai Theatre Academy which acted as the first step for Kayo to achieve her dream as being an active performer in Asia. 

Kayo 自小受到身為舞蹈教師的母親影響,她從6歲開始便對芭蕾舞產生興趣,更師從當時東京赫赫有名的芭蕾舞導師黑澤智子學習芭蕾。她多次參加由日本芭蕾舞協會舉辦的比賽,並分別在 。1998年,她從英國Central School of ballet畢業後來到香港,並在太古Plasia Ballet School擔任專門導師。2000年她獲得Asia Dance藝術特別獎,後來更以舞者的身分參加亞洲巡迴,於香港、馬來西亞、新加坡等地演出。2004年,Kayo以首位日本人的身份入讀上海戲劇學院, 當時的她夢想在亞洲舞台上大放光芒。兩年後,她在上海開設麗佳文化有限公司。2007年,她開設了第一間芭蕾舞學校BB Ballet Studio。2013年,於香港設立Ballet blanc芭蕾舞教室,更在兩年後正式成立Ballet blanc Entertainment Co.,Ltd。翌年,於銅鑼灣開設Ballet blanc Ballet Studio。2019年, Kayo獲頒The Best Teachers Award 最優秀指導者獎。

日本舞踊講師である母の勧めで、6歳よりバレエを始める。日本バレエ協会バレエコンクール  小・中・高部門で 優勝、第2位、3位と年毎に受賞。

1998年英国バレエ留学(Central School of ballet)

2000年Asia Dance芸術特別賞受賞


2006年 麗佳文化有限公司を設立(上海)

2007年 Bbバレエスタジオ開設(上海)

2013年 Ballet blanc教室開講(香港)

2015年 Ballet blanc Entertainment Co., Ltd設立(香港)

2016年 Ballet blancバレエスタジオ開設(銅鑼灣)

2018年 The Best Teachers Award 最優秀指導者賞受賞

2018年 Ballet blancバレエスタジオOliv新設(銅羅灣)

2019年 The Best Teachers Award 最優秀指導者賞受賞

2000年 「SIEMENS」携帯電話CM出演(香港)

2004年 上海戯劇学院入学





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